For a long time reserved exclusively for plumbers or heating engineers, use of the oxyacetylene welding set has become considerably more widespread, including many applications such as industrial maintenance and air-conditioning. The company Guilbert Express was one of the first to offer an oxy-gas set for private customers, with the Oxy-Kid oxy-gas set 2901, including a 110-litre oxygen cartridge and a butane/propane gas cartridge. However, the main product in this category remains the Koro oxyacetylene torch, with its various accessories and spare parts. In addition to the specially designed malleable burners, 6-tip star and gas cylinder trolley, the non-return flame-protection valves for hoses and female quick-release couplings, which are essential to ensure a long life for the KORO welding set, this category includes spare parts such as the handle and pre-mounted hoses for the Oxy-Kid set. You will find these products at your usual Express retailer and some of the spare parts are available via our website.
56,95€ HT
This handle and pre-mounted hoses Cat. No. 2991 are designed for use exclusively...
55,83€ HT
This EN 730-1-compliant pair of flashback arrestor valves Cat. No. 2921 is designed...
9,82€ HT
Tip 25L Cat. No. 2915 for the Koro oxyacetylene station Cat. No. 2905 or the Koro...
8,86€ HT
Butane / propane gas cartridge
99,38€ HT
Once again, Express has demonstrated its commitment to meeting the needs of...
21,58€ HT
The 6-tip star Cat. No. 2910 includes 6 nozzles designed for use with the Express...
334,95€ HT
Initially designed to provide plumbers and refrigeration engineers with a tool that...
571,02€ HT
Initially designed to provide plumbers and refrigeration engineers with a tool that...
112,24€ HT
Oxy-acetylene welding 3 mm, steel sheet, braza welding 4 mm steel sheet and hard...