
White book - TRhe roofer's soldering iron

Available at last on the website The first white paper on the roofer soldering iron

While the origins of its use go back more than 2000 years, the roofer’s soldering iron is now a product used by all roofing professionals and is often wrongly assumed to be something quite ordinary. However, it has a fascinating past, which is linked to the history of apprenticeship. Learn about its history and developmentRead more

L'isolation en extérieur

Optimal thermal insulation with sealing torches

Thermal insulation performed by waterproofing professionals must be flawless to ensure the impermeability of civil engineering works and buildings, whether in new constructions or renovations. The materials to be applied are varied and require sealing torches that are as precise as they are reliable. This is particularly true for bituminous sheets or the welding ofRead more

gaine thermo retractable

Using shrink guns to bundle and protect cables

Il arrive fréquemment sur un chantier de devoir regrouper des câbles et les protéger. La gaine thermo rétractable offre une solution simple à mettre en place et nécessitant l’utilisation d’un seul outil : le pistolet de rétraction. Voici comment choisir votre gaine et comment la mettre en place. Dans quels cas regroupe-t-on des câbles ? La gaineRead more

Toit végétalisé

Green roofs: waterproofing products contribute to sustainability

Green roofs bring numerous benefits, yet their design and installation demand strict waterproofing measures to ensure their longevity. Proper waterproofing not only extends the life of the roof but also enhances home protection through thermal insulation, soundproofing, and preventing infiltration caused by plant growth or natural precipitation. The benefits of green roofs The popularity ofRead more

soudure plombier

Precision welding : gas torches improve the quality of joints

There are many advantages to using a gas torch. The tool is multi-purpose, suitable for a broad spectrum of applications, ensuring high-quality joints for tasks ranging from minor domestic plumbing to large-scale industrial projects. Let’s take a look at why you should choose this type of torch. 1.    Transport, logistics and ease of use WorkingRead more

Chalumeau sur chantier

Guide to safe usage of gas torches on construction sites

Working with gas torches on a building site requires compliance with safety standards. The following are the essential precautions to be taken when working on a building site. 1.    Preparing the site for the use of gas torches All combustible materials or those likely to cause a fire or explosion must be kept away fromRead more


Practical tips for making clean, strong welds using gas torches

When carried out under the right conditions, flame welding guarantees clean, strong and durable welds. Here’s how to use your gas torch properly for your personal or professional projects. 1.    Prepare a clean, well-ventilated workspace Your workspace needs to be perfectly clean so that no impurities get trapped in the molten metal. Outside, take theRead more

Soudure au gaz l'efficacité énergétique avec Express

How to optimize energy efficiency when using gas torches

Gas welding involves a high level of energy consumption for professionals. Solutions therefore need to be found to optimize the efficiency of your work tools. The design of the Express torch is constantly being revised to improve its performance, but you also need to apply other tricks to reduce your energy costs even further. 1.   Read more

toiture sale

Should I clean my roof?

The roof is an essential part of your home. It protects you from the elements and keeps your home safe from damp and temperature fluctuations. So it’s important to take the utmost care of it to prolong its life, especially as roof renovation or replacement is expensive. Cleaning your roof therefore has an economic purpose,Read more


Heat treatment of pipes

Extensive welding work – especially on pipelines – requires heat treatment to relieve residual welding stresses and to achieve appropriate mechanical properties of the joint. The weld thus offers perfect reliability. What is pipe heat treatment? All welding involves a modification of the structure of the metals concerned, and thus an alteration of their mechanicalRead more

Soudage à la flamme avec la lampe à souder Express Réf. 531 et son cercoflam

All about flame welding

Flame welding has many advantages. It is suitable for both professional and personal use. The flashlight is a valuable tool for homeowners to make all kinds of repairs. Here are the characteristics of flame welding. The different types of use of flame welding processes to weld The various flame welding processes fall into two categories:Read more

Soudage par temps froid

Welding in cold weather

If your welding process is flame welding, cold weather and inclement weather in general can cause problems. The latter appear during the work itself, but can also call into question the quality of the welds in the long term. Besides the discomfort for the welder, it is important to take some precautions to protect yourRead more

soudure climatisation

Soldering an air conditioning circuit

The meticulous design of the piping for an air conditioning system is a guarantee of its efficiency. The refrigeration technician then cuts his copper pipes. Finally, he welds the air conditioning pipes with a blowtorch. The refrigeration technician’s tools. The refrigeration technician’s tools are subject to conformity checks every year. You must equip yourself withRead more